6 research outputs found

    Fog - Applying blockchain to secure a distributed set of clusters

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    5G has already been presented and shown in major congresses, thus it’s just a matter of time that this technology comes to the enterprise and public usages. Therefore, we can affirm that we are moving towards a world where everything will be connected (i.e. our cars, our houses, our wearable devices). Consequently, the number of devices connected to the Fog will be around the billions. This drastic increase in connected devices at the Fog layer promotes a change in the Internet architecture, that requires new technologies to manage the newly Fog devices. Despite the cloud being a powerful model, at the end it’s a centralized architecture, thus it fails to scale with the addition of millions of Fog devices. The Fog presents a great amount of architectural and management challenges, such as who will run the Fog infrastructure, or how the Fog nodes will provide services by themselves, and a sometimes forgotten but critical aspect, the security. The current centralized security architectures do not scale well enough in order to be applied on the Fog. Those models such as Certificate Authorities (CA’s) are centralized, usually on cloud providers, and offer a much more static security (i.e. a website secured with a CA, that barely changes IP and doesn’t move). At the end this kind of security approaches are invalid in environments where devices are moving and changing networks constantly, like the fog scenario, because the same nature of the approach makes it invalid for such scenarios. Therefore, we require new and completely distributed security architectures, capable of being flexible and scalable, while at the same time providing fault proof security to the Fog. A new technology that has been growing lately is the blockchain, this technology really shines on completely distributed systems. The blockchain is capable of keeping an immutable set of data distributed across multiple peers on a network. Then the peers can use that data and update it through a consensus procedure, performed following a consensus algorithm criteria. The main objective of this project is the proposal of a novel blockchain architecture that will contain all the Fog session information. This information will be used to provide security to the Fog devices, and it will be capable of providing authentication and verification mechanisms to those devices, ensuring the integrity of the data provided. To accomplish this objective a Fog profile will be used. Each new device will be able to register its profile in the Fog session, with a required set of public keys, and by providing an extensible Rule-set field that will contain all the required information in order to identify a device (i.e. the device specs such as CPU or RAM), to later on execute services on the Fog, based on such specs and information

    Deploying fog-to-cloud towards a security architecture for critical infrastructure scenarios

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    Critical infrastructures are bringing security, and safety for people in terms of healthcare, water, electricity, industry, transportation, etc. The huge amount of data produced by CIs need to be aggregated, filtered, and stored. Cloud computing was merged into the CIs for utilizing cloud data centers as a pay-as-you-go online computing system for outsourcing services for data storage, filtering and aggregating. On the other hand, CIs need real-time processing for providing sophisticated services to people. Consequently, fog computing is merged into CIs aimed at providing services closer to the users, turning into a smooth real-time decision making and processing. When considering both, that is fog and cloud (for example, deploying the recently coined hierarchical fog-to-cloud F2C concept), new enriched features may be applied to the CIs. Security in CIs is one of the most essential challenges since any failure or attack can turn into a national wise disaster. Moreover, CIs also need to support quality of service (QoS) guarantees for users. Thus, bringing balanced QoS vs security is one of the main challenges for any CI infrastructure. In this paper, we illustrate the benefits of deploying an F2C system in CIs, particularly identifying specific F2C security requirements to be applied to CIs. Finally, we also introduce a decoupled security architecture specifically tailored to CIs that can bring security with reasonable QoS in terms of authentication and key distribution time delay.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under contract RTI2018-094532-B-I00, and by the H2020 European Union mF2C project with reference 730929.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fog - Applying blockchain to secure a distributed set of clusters

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    5G has already been presented and shown in major congresses, thus it’s just a matter of time that this technology comes to the enterprise and public usages. Therefore, we can affirm that we are moving towards a world where everything will be connected (i.e. our cars, our houses, our wearable devices). Consequently, the number of devices connected to the Fog will be around the billions. This drastic increase in connected devices at the Fog layer promotes a change in the Internet architecture, that requires new technologies to manage the newly Fog devices. Despite the cloud being a powerful model, at the end it’s a centralized architecture, thus it fails to scale with the addition of millions of Fog devices. The Fog presents a great amount of architectural and management challenges, such as who will run the Fog infrastructure, or how the Fog nodes will provide services by themselves, and a sometimes forgotten but critical aspect, the security. The current centralized security architectures do not scale well enough in order to be applied on the Fog. Those models such as Certificate Authorities (CA’s) are centralized, usually on cloud providers, and offer a much more static security (i.e. a website secured with a CA, that barely changes IP and doesn’t move). At the end this kind of security approaches are invalid in environments where devices are moving and changing networks constantly, like the fog scenario, because the same nature of the approach makes it invalid for such scenarios. Therefore, we require new and completely distributed security architectures, capable of being flexible and scalable, while at the same time providing fault proof security to the Fog. A new technology that has been growing lately is the blockchain, this technology really shines on completely distributed systems. The blockchain is capable of keeping an immutable set of data distributed across multiple peers on a network. Then the peers can use that data and update it through a consensus procedure, performed following a consensus algorithm criteria. The main objective of this project is the proposal of a novel blockchain architecture that will contain all the Fog session information. This information will be used to provide security to the Fog devices, and it will be capable of providing authentication and verification mechanisms to those devices, ensuring the integrity of the data provided. To accomplish this objective a Fog profile will be used. Each new device will be able to register its profile in the Fog session, with a required set of public keys, and by providing an extensible Rule-set field that will contain all the required information in order to identify a device (i.e. the device specs such as CPU or RAM), to later on execute services on the Fog, based on such specs and information

    Fog - Applying blockchain to secure a distributed set of clusters

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    5G has already been presented and shown in major congresses, thus it’s just a matter of time that this technology comes to the enterprise and public usages. Therefore, we can affirm that we are moving towards a world where everything will be connected (i.e. our cars, our houses, our wearable devices). Consequently, the number of devices connected to the Fog will be around the billions. This drastic increase in connected devices at the Fog layer promotes a change in the Internet architecture, that requires new technologies to manage the newly Fog devices. Despite the cloud being a powerful model, at the end it’s a centralized architecture, thus it fails to scale with the addition of millions of Fog devices. The Fog presents a great amount of architectural and management challenges, such as who will run the Fog infrastructure, or how the Fog nodes will provide services by themselves, and a sometimes forgotten but critical aspect, the security. The current centralized security architectures do not scale well enough in order to be applied on the Fog. Those models such as Certificate Authorities (CA’s) are centralized, usually on cloud providers, and offer a much more static security (i.e. a website secured with a CA, that barely changes IP and doesn’t move). At the end this kind of security approaches are invalid in environments where devices are moving and changing networks constantly, like the fog scenario, because the same nature of the approach makes it invalid for such scenarios. Therefore, we require new and completely distributed security architectures, capable of being flexible and scalable, while at the same time providing fault proof security to the Fog. A new technology that has been growing lately is the blockchain, this technology really shines on completely distributed systems. The blockchain is capable of keeping an immutable set of data distributed across multiple peers on a network. Then the peers can use that data and update it through a consensus procedure, performed following a consensus algorithm criteria. The main objective of this project is the proposal of a novel blockchain architecture that will contain all the Fog session information. This information will be used to provide security to the Fog devices, and it will be capable of providing authentication and verification mechanisms to those devices, ensuring the integrity of the data provided. To accomplish this objective a Fog profile will be used. Each new device will be able to register its profile in the Fog session, with a required set of public keys, and by providing an extensible Rule-set field that will contain all the required information in order to identify a device (i.e. the device specs such as CPU or RAM), to later on execute services on the Fog, based on such specs and information

    Virtualize The World : Plataforma de transmissió i control per a Realitat Virtual

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    Aquest projecte tracta sobre replicar un visor de realitat virtual utilitzant un dispositiu mòbil i eines al nostre abast, desenvolupant tota l'estructura i plataforma per poder-ho fer possible, una idea que no existeix actualment en el mercat. A més, també es desenvolupen noves funcionalitats que no tenen els dispositius actuals i també hem desenvolupat un model de negoci de la nostra idea. El treball està realitzat en equip, seguint metodologies de treball en equip del tipus Agile adaptades a les nostres necessitats. Els objectius d'aquest treball són per una banda expandir el nostre camp d'expertesa en el camp de les TIC en una tecnologia completament nova com és la realitat virtual i que exigeix una sèrie de reptes a assolir. Un altre objectiu és el d'aconseguir dissenyar i implementar una plataforma que ens permeti transmetre i controlar una aplicació de realitat virtual remotament, en un ordinador mitjançant un telèfon mòbil. A més, també volem aconseguir un model de negoci d'aquesta idea i enriquir el projecte. Finalment, també volem fer un treball d'investigació del que hi ha actualment d'aquesta tecnologia per veure com enfocar la nostra idea i que sigui el màxim d'innovadora possible i aprendre a desenvolupar un projecte real des de zero aplicant les metodologies en equip. Els resultats han estat: la creació d'una plataforma completament funcional amb una estructura definida per mòduls i escalable per noves funcionalitats; la creació d'una aplicació que ens emula el visor virtual i la interacció de l'usuari amb l'aplicació; el plantejament d'un model de negoci a partir de la nostra idea i finalment l'assimilació de molts conceptes i nous coneixements en aquesta tecnologia per part de tot l'equip. Les conclusions són que la idea que plantegem per aquest projecte és viable i assolible tot i que per al seu funcionament òptim requereix una inversió en alguns dels seus components que no depenen directament de nosaltres o utilitzar una implementació futura que estigui al nostre abast que ens resolgui aquests errors. També que és positiu desenvolupar paral·lelament un model de negoci mentre es defineix la idea

    Virtualize The World : Plataforma de transmissió i control per a Realitat Virtual

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    Aquest projecte tracta sobre replicar un visor de realitat virtual utilitzant un dispositiu mòbil i eines al nostre abast, desenvolupant tota l'estructura i plataforma per poder-ho fer possible, una idea que no existeix actualment en el mercat. A més, també es desenvolupen noves funcionalitats que no tenen els dispositius actuals i també hem desenvolupat un model de negoci de la nostra idea. El treball està realitzat en equip, seguint metodologies de treball en equip del tipus Agile adaptades a les nostres necessitats. Els objectius d'aquest treball són per una banda expandir el nostre camp d'expertesa en el camp de les TIC en una tecnologia completament nova com és la realitat virtual i que exigeix una sèrie de reptes a assolir. Un altre objectiu és el d'aconseguir dissenyar i implementar una plataforma que ens permeti transmetre i controlar una aplicació de realitat virtual remotament, en un ordinador mitjançant un telèfon mòbil. A més, també volem aconseguir un model de negoci d'aquesta idea i enriquir el projecte. Finalment, també volem fer un treball d'investigació del que hi ha actualment d'aquesta tecnologia per veure com enfocar la nostra idea i que sigui el màxim d'innovadora possible i aprendre a desenvolupar un projecte real des de zero aplicant les metodologies en equip. Els resultats han estat: la creació d'una plataforma completament funcional amb una estructura definida per mòduls i escalable per noves funcionalitats; la creació d'una aplicació que ens emula el visor virtual i la interacció de l'usuari amb l'aplicació; el plantejament d'un model de negoci a partir de la nostra idea i finalment l'assimilació de molts conceptes i nous coneixements en aquesta tecnologia per part de tot l'equip. Les conclusions són que la idea que plantegem per aquest projecte és viable i assolible tot i que per al seu funcionament òptim requereix una inversió en alguns dels seus components que no depenen directament de nosaltres o utilitzar una implementació futura que estigui al nostre abast que ens resolgui aquests errors. També que és positiu desenvolupar paral·lelament un model de negoci mentre es defineix la idea